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Due to the Amazon rainforest, Andean valleys and the Pacific Ocean, Peru is considered a true dream destination for sport anglers of both freshwater and saltwater fish.

The Amazon Basin covers almost 75% of the landmass of Peru. The rivers and lakes of this basin are filled with a variety of fish, including the Peacock Bass Pavón or the Payara (considered one of the best freshwater trophies), Pacu, many varieties of catfish and others. The best time to fish in the Amazon basin is between July and October.

Snow from the Andes Mountains forms many lakes and rivers that give rise to the Andean valleys, creating a perfect habitat for rainbow trout. In lakes, specimens of over 10 kilos have been caught, while smaller size fishes are found in the rivers.

Peru has a coastline of over 2,500 kilometers but more surprising is that it has many habitats, from the cold waters of the Humboldt in the south, to the northern estuaries or mangroves with warm water and vegetation on the beaches. With these features we find the Robalo, Murique Grouper, Wahoo, Marlin, Tuna and Mahi-Mahi in the north where the waters are warm and the Corvina, Flounder and Chita in the cold waters of the south.

The best time to fish the north is between December and May and the South is almost all year long.

Visit www.foropescadeportiva.com

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